Leashes: Parents Have To Let Loose

Hey it's Sarah! This weekend has been a hassle, sorry Katie and I weren't posting.
So, today's topic is parents and their leashes on their kids. I think that parents shouldn't be so strict on their kids because it will make them rebel and fight against the tiny leash the parents have put out for them to be free in. It isn't much freedom, so they fight for more and just do what their parents say not to do, pissing them off, which is fun for the kids. They should give some freedom to their kids, not restrict them as much as possible because in the end it'll all be for nothing. Plus if you restrict them so much they won't learn anything for the real world because if you have them learn something on their own, they will know not to do it then be following orders not to, which won't work as well because it's tempting to break the rules. If the parents don't let them be independent while they are young, they will always be dependent and never know right from wrong and probably come back to live at home. Bouncing off these two ideas, them rebelling from parents being to strict and them never experiencing independence until they leave the house for good. Of course they shouldn't let them wild free but just have an adjustable leash to let them experience but know when they are going to far. I also think home schooling is bad for a kids social life, I mean if it's the only thing you can do because you're traveling around the world fine, but normal kids being home schooled is like limiting their out of the house experience because school is a place away from home (not saying anyone likes going to school =P). Kids just won't be able to socialize because they are just with their parents at home; school is the place where friendship bonds are made and that can last a lifetime. I'm not downgrading on anyone's parenting but just informing the public on how it could affect the children, I read this one article how kids are getting obese from strict parents because of the stress! Do what's best for your child and that doesn't mean locking them in their room until they're 50.



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