Doesn't it bother you when you're talking to someone via instant messenger, text or email that they use incorrect and silly grammar/spelling? It bothers me very much so! I just got a full keyboard phone and I've been lazy and been putting "u" instead of "you" but that's basically it, shortening words. The thing that really makes me frustrated is when someone uses "your" instead of "you're", it's like are you retarded! I always correct people, my boyfriend used to do it all the time and I'd correct him and now he fixes himself. (: I also fixed the grammar of my one friend she used to talk all like "hey wuts up? dnt u no dat she did dat!" and since I talked to her all the time she uses correct grammar and even the apostrophes in don't, haven't and the rest of the conjunctions. What can I say, I just have that kind of affect on people. :D
You know what really wets my willys (hahaha I felt like saying that) when people use numbers and alternate from capital to lower like this, "H3y U wUtS ^?" It's ridiculous! What is the point it isn't really shortening anything you're practically putting in the same amount of keys, sheesh! I just saw that supermarkets have bad grammar too! Look at the picture, and if you don't understand why it is wrong go here, because I'll probably confuse you with my explanation. So to wrap it up, people have bad grammar, it's like this generation doesn't care and just throws around letters (and numbers) thinking they will make sense, which they don't. I don't know what is going to be of these people, will they ever learn how to talk and write? We must teach them, go on children and teach those less fortunate than us. Hehehehehe.
I`m blame it on that i`m from Sweden an my language knowledge! It`s not the best quality i have!! I`m more for taking pictures ;D
Best wishes from Sweden!
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