Remembering the Days

Hello, my name is Sarah, and I will be your blog buddy for today. :D
Remember those good ole’ days when you were a kid and everything was right and everything seemed fun, exciting and amazing. I miss them even though I’m barely grown up I still miss them. I wish I was born in the days where everyone was nice and you could walk down the street without any worries and I want to do that because my mother is paranoid that something will happen to me. I can’t even walk with my boyfriend to McDonald’s right down the street, oh well. So anyways back to the point, additionally what happened to the days when everything was cheap? Everything is so overpriced now a days and do you know, to spark your thinking and such, that a gallon of milk is more expensive that a gallon of gas! I mean if you think about it the gas prices aren’t that bad, but still we get more than one gallon of gas in a week. My parents always talk about how everything was cheap back in the days, how great was that. Imagine if those prices were still the same, we wouldn’t be in this great depression, well maybe we would because the salaries would be low as well, so scratch that.You know what else I miss, the kid television shows they had, all of the ones now suck and are super corny, like cornier than before! Is that even possible? Like one thing that I just realized changed was they took off Face from Nick Jr. he was my favorite, he was super cool, changing colors and having super raw facial expressions. Damn, how sad they took him off what were they thinking! Also with Steve on Blue’s Clues, they can’t just change him, he was a legend, who cares if he was getting old or was on drugs, everyone is on drugs! I also miss the music, I like the music of today, but back then it was so cool and I don’t know how to explain it but no one now makes music like then. It’s so sad, it’s like no one has the talent to do it anymore, or maybe they don’t have the guts too! Yeah, it’s sad how everything has changed when it used to all be so good, because the music was jammin’ and groovy.
The present isn't all that bad though, I mean we have high tech computers and smart phones and washers and dryers that read minds! There are good things now and good things from back then, only if they were combined. Now we just have to wait what's in store for us in the future. *twilight music* Mwahahahaha.



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